Preservation & Archaeological Digs
To see photos and information of the past preservation efforts of the King House please see these sections of our website:
1980 Reconstruction
2018 Historical Restoration
To see photos and information on archaeological digs at the King House site please see this section of our website:
Archaeological Dig
Mathilda’s Remembrances
“Mathilda’s Remembrances” was produced by Ushia Productions and directed by Professor Linda Rose Locklear at the University of California San Diego (UCSD)’s Media Center in 1987. Professor Locklear, who was a doctoral student at UCSD and a professor of American Indian Studies at Polomar College at the time, created some 12 films during this period because as she reports “we had very few films on American Indian Elders and artists” to show students or the public.
Mathilda (whom she called “Tilly”) was a friend, taught Professor Locklear and her daughters how to quill, and gave lectures in American Indian Art classes at Polomar. The voices in the film are Mathilda, Professor Locklear, and Patrick McKercher, an English Professor at UCSD who helped with the production. We are indebted to Professor Locklear for her foresight in making the film and for her generosity in sharing it with us.
Historic Middle Village
Middle Village - 1920-30
Middle Village
Middle Village
Saint Ignatius Church - Middle Village
Saint Ignatius Church - Middle Village
Saint Ignatius Church - Middle Village
Ella Petoskey in Good Hart
Grandma Naganashe (Sarah Wedash)
Historic Middle Village
Payson Wolfe
Historic Middle Village
Historic Middle Village - Gibault children
Ivan Swift painting of Middle Village
K Sharpshooters
Middle Village and the King House
Sarah Agosa Francis making a canoe
Good Hart Government School 1860
1920-21 Directory entry for Good Hart
Indian Art Store
Good Hart
The King Family
Mathillda Allison and her husband,at the King House circa 1960
Mathilda Allison at the 1980 King House Reconstruction
Mathilda Allison - Quill Work Artist
Mathilda Ramage Allison at her home in California
King House - Historic Family Photo
Eliza Kenoshemeig - Tom King's Wife
King Family - Alec John King