Title History of the King House
144 N. Lamkin Rd.
Lot 8, Middle Village (Wa-gau-muck-a-see)
Tax ID #24 12 07 36 351 012
Based on records in the Emmet County Register of Deeds
Lot 8 clearly identified in plat map of Middle Village surveyed by A. L. Wadsworth, recorded in the County of Mackinac in 1850.
A National Archives Microcopy (NAM) Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs includes a copy of a Bureau of Indian Affairs map showing 26 structures at present day location of Middle Village, with another 26 immediately north and south. NAM records suggest Bureau of Indian Affairs and Odawa carpenters began building log homes in the area as early as 1844.²
William and Julia Bwanishing sell Lot 8 to Peter Onaasno (alternate spellings in different documents) on July 10, 1866 for $5. Deed was recorded on May 21, 1872 (Liber C, p. 172).
Note that Peter Onaasanon was listed as representing the Little Traverse Bay and L’Arbre Croche Indians in the May 3, 1835 agreement electing August Hamlin, Jr. as “head chief” of the Ottawa to negotiate what became the 1835 Treaty of Washington. He was also signatory to the 1842 Petition from Odawa leaders to Washington to request that the Odawa be allowed to stay in their homeland. He is listed on rolls prepared by the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society in 1874 as an Ottawa Chief.³
Tax assessment roll shows that Lot 8 belongs to Peter Onaasno.⁴
Julia Bwanishing (married) and Sucy B. Odah-Kah-me-kee (her neice, also married), only surviving heirs of Peter Onaasno, deceased, sell Lot 8 to Ellen Quaallaers (also written as “Ellen Nebamoqua”) widow of Peter Onaasno for $5. (Liber R, p. 407)
Ellen Nebaw-ah-mo-quay sells Lot 8 for $10 to Roosen Otaw-gaw-me-kee (Liber 6, p. 533). Onaasno/Otagomkee or Otawgameke translates from Odawa as “King”.⁵ (Note that the transaction was witnessed by “Joseph K. Odagamekee”.
The State of Michigan assumes ownership of Lot 8 for failure to pay taxes in 1893 (see L 17, p. 94).
Rosine Otogountee (Rozine Otagomkee = King) buys Lot 8 for $1.46 from the State of Michigan (Liber 17, p. 94)
Early 1900’s
Lot 8 is reported by family to be the residence of Joseph (Ogdanicki) King (1847-1918). (Eldest son of Rosine/Roosen/Rozine “Ogdanicki” an alternative spelling of Otagomkee/Otaw-=gaw-me-kee/Otawgameke/Odagamekee/Onaasanon?).
Lot 8 was probably inherited by Tom King (1871-1939), eldest son of Joseph (Ogdanicki – another spelling) King. Tom King and his wife Eliza (Kenoshemeig) appear in the 1909 Durant Roll. Tom is identified as the eldest son of Joseph (Otawagawmawke) King. 6Tom King’s daughter Isabelle King Ramage (1903-1963) and her daughter Mathilda M. (nee Ramage) Allison (1927 -1990) lived with Tom King in the log home on Lot 8 for several years when Mathilda was a child.⁷
Lot 8 owner and taxpayer listed as Alec J. King (Aug 15, 1913-May 1, 1969). Alec J. King was the son of Tom and Eliza King, making him Isabelle’s brother and Mathilda’s uncle.
No one picks up taxes, 1969-77.
Martin B. Breighner buys Lot 8 for back taxes (L 275, p. 746).
Mathilda M. Allison pays $200 to Martin M. King (Mar 6, 1902-Jan 15, 1978) and Mary A. King for Lot 8 (quit claim deed, L 275, p. 778). 9/22/77. Martin King was the son of Charles King (1876-1917), Tom King’s brother, and Sarah Naganoishe, making him Tom King’s nephew and Mathilda’s first cousin.
Mathilda M. Allison also pays Phillip M. King (July 22, 1913-July 7, 1980,) $200 for Lot 8 (quit claim deed L 278, p. 651). Phillip M. King’s parents were Ben King (Tom King’s brother) and Rose Petoskey, making him Tom King’s nephew and Mathilda’s first cousin.
Martin Breighner’s deed to Lot 8 recorded on 6/7/78 (L 295, p. 214).
Mathilda M. Allison pays Martin B. and Nancy Breighner $1,500 for Lot 8, quit claim deed, recorded 6/11/79 (L 295, p. 314).
Mathilda Allison spends $8,000 on repairs to the log home on the premises. See notes from Bill Glass.
Mathilda Allison listed as owner and taxpayer on Lot 8 until her death in 1990.
Husband Harold Allison continues to pay taxes on Lot 8 after her death.
Harold Allison claims lot 8 from estate of his deceased wife Mathilda M. Allison in an Affidavit of Title (L 1055, p 395).⁸
Harold and Lourdes Allison sell lot 8 to son Ronald Allison for $100 (quit claim deed, L. 1081, p 16).
Ronald and Esther Allison sell Lot 8 to The King House Association (land contract).
King House Association pays off land contract for Lot 8. Deed recorded 10/28/15 (L 1180, p 635).
Note: I am confident of the deed recordings but not of the family relationships or exact names. Spellings varied in documents. We are still working on the King family tree.
Susan B. Hannah, November 2016.
Andrews, Wes, and Eleanor Andrews. The Middle Village Arachaeological Survey and Properties of Traditional Value Project, Emmet County, MI. Petoskey, MI: The Traverse Bay Band of Odawa Indians, 1995.
Cardinal, Jane, and Connie Cobb. The Place Where the Crooked Tree Stood: A History of L’Arbre Croche Focusing on the Settlements of Good Hart and Middle Village. Good Hart, MI: The Crooked Tree Book Company, LLC, 2012.
Durant, Horace B. The Durant Roll. Census of persons on Ottawa and Chippewa rolls in 1870 and still living in 1907, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Interior, October 27, 1909.
Emmet County Register of Deeds. Registry of Deeds. Government Records, Register of Deeds, Emmet County Government, Petoskey, MI: Emmet County Register of Deeds, 18??-present.
Hemenway, Eric. “The Road to Home: the Odawa Fight to Stay in Wagnakising (Land of the Crooked Tree).” Petoskey, MI: Archivist for the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians, October 24, 2016.
Moore, Joel B., Attorney. Affidavit of Title. Government Document, Petoskey, MI: Emmet County Register of Deeds, L-1055 P-395, 2004.
1 (Emmet County Register of Deeds 18??-present)
2 Cited in (Andrews and Andrews 1995, 173-174)
3 (Hemenway 2016)
4 (Cardinal and Cobb 2012, 37)
5 (Cardinal and Cobb 2012, 42)
6 The Durant Roll was a census of all persons and their descendants who were on the roll of the Ottawa and Chippewa Tribes of Michigan in 1870 and living on March 4, 1907. The roll was compiled by special agent Horace B. Durant, October 27, 1909. (Durant October 27, 1909)
7 (Moore 2004)
8 (Moore 2004)