Friends of the King House
The restoration of the King House is now complete! We hope you have stopped by to see the House in all her humble glory. The King House is truly a Good Hart gem, one of which we can all be proud.
Now the King House needs Friends to contribute annually to fund her ongoing maintenance. We need to raise $4,000 every year. The expenses breakout approximately as follows:
Insurance $2,200
Printing + mailing $500
Accountant $200
Website hosting $100
Ongoing projects + maintenance $1,000
Total $4,000
If you would like to become a friend of the King House please donate online below or send a check to:
King House Association
PO Box 942
Good Hart, Michigan 49737

Make a donation to the King House Association
With your support we can ensure the ongoing success of the King House!
Thank you for your contribution.
Online donations are accepted by credit card via PayPal.