About the Association
The King House Association grew out of a meeting of interested Middle Village/Good Hart community residents convened by Carolyn Sutherland, Jane Cardinal, and Connie Cobb in December 2014. Carolyn Sutherland had become aware that the King family was putting the house on the market and took the initiative to find a way to purchase it for community benefit. Recognizing the significance of the house as one of the last of the original Odawa homes in Middle Village, the group agreed to form a nonprofit organization named The King House Association which would purchase and preserve the house as a site for celebrating the rich cultural history of the area.
The house, which had remained in the King Family since its construction in the mid-1800’s, had undergone significant renovation financed by King family descendant Mathilda Marie Allison in the early 1980’s to make it structurally sound while preserving its authenticity. This was an historic preservation opportunity not to be missed.
The King House Association was incorporated by the State of Michigan in January 2015 (#71624F) and recognized as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization by the IRS (#47-2866953) in February 2015. Officers and friends of the Association successfully raised sufficient funding to close on a land contract purchase agreement with King family descendants that was filed with the Register of Deeds in October 2015 (L:1180 P:635).
Association Activities
Raising the funds needed to purchase the house.
Sponsoring activities to introduce the community to the house and working with historic preservation experts to analyze the structural and restoration needs of the House in accordance with national standards for the Preservation of Historic Properties.
Developing and issuing an RFP for the restoration work and applying for grants to help cover restoration costs.
Finalizing a restoration scope of work and raising the funds needed to carry out the restoration of the core structure of the House.
Planning for ways to use the House as a site for telling the story of Middle Village/Good Hart.
King House was open on Sundays from 10:00am – 12:00pm throughout the summer. We raised funds for timeline display project to be completed in 2021.
Completed timeline display project.
Install timeline project in spring and have regularly scheduled open times throughout the summer.